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December 08, 2018


Frank Jackman

Excellent perspective Eddie! Thank you.

Ari Ross

That is a really wonderful and thoughtful posting on what John Lennon meant to you (and at least to a degree most of us during that era).

Have you ever considered writing a book about your life? I think it might be a bestseller!

Jack Huerta

Eddie, I think this is one of your best stories ever. Although all of The Beatles were great, you hit it right on the head with John. John Lennon was Thee Guy!!! Also my favorite hero period. Not just my favorite Beatle. My favorite hero. No denying that. He is the one person that walked this earth that really had a major effect on my life. I do believe that I'm a guitar player because of him. I was 9 when I started learning. My 9th birthday was 12 days after that first appearance of The Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show. One of my best friends, Bob Mytkowicz, aka Bobby Fury, who owns so many of the instruments liked The Beatles used and we also played in a '60's cover band together many years ago before I moved to Portland, is a Beatles expert much like you. He once told me that I had the largest collection of Beatle Boots on the west coast. Hah! Great, great, story on John!!!

Gary Kennamer

So true, Eddie. And so eloquently put. I share exactly the same sentiments. I can tell you've read all the same books about John & Los Beatles. The one thing that pops into my head, which perfectly sums up Lennon, was when a frustrated school teacher threw him up against a wall and demanded to know what Lennon was going to do with his life. John rather non-chalantly answered, probably with that smirk you mentioned, "I'm gonna be a rock-n-roll singer". He couldn't have been more than 17 or 18, but he knew. I don't recall the teacher's name, but John's name will be remembered forever.



Well said......with your best point being how BOTH Paul, and Yoko, in different, but VERY important ways, were the "Yin" to John Lennon's "Yang" (or vice-versa!), that, in the end, allowed him to flourish both professionally and personally.....


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