Eddie is doing much better today. He is much more alert. Able to eat some solid food. Talking. He even sat in a chair for a short while. One of his nurses said it was a dramatic improvement over just 24 hours.
They have been able to reduce some of the medications, but they are still treating the infection, of course.
Geez Louise, Eddie! Keep up the good fight, Mr. D! If your ears have been ringing it’s because a lot of people have been talking about you and hoping for the best for you.
Take good care!
Jeff B
Posted by: Jeffrey Bender | January 20, 2020 at 10:20 AM
Great news!! Eddie, my wife also had heart surgery last week and the night before we watched I Wanna Hold Your Hand. Even though she doesn’t care for The Beatles (scandalous, I know!), she thought you were AWESOME. We both send you well wishes and hope you get home soon!
Posted by: Ben W | January 21, 2020 at 08:49 AM