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March 20, 2020


Haui B

Keep going Eddie!

Stay safe!

William Perdee

I'm happy to report that I talked to Eddie and Rick in LaVale MD March 21st at Dairy Queen. He seems much better than reports I've read online. Not sure why people are down playing his recovery!?!???

Uncle Leo

We are not downplaying it at all. As we said, he is making progress and, while mostly limited to bed rest, he is allowed the occasional excursion with family - especially to try and get him better at getting around and hopefully help him to put on some weight because this ordeal has left him dangerously underweight.

Even so, even something as simple as that leaves him exhausted.

William Perdew

I was not referring to your posts as downplaying, I'm referring to people on Twitter and Facebook who call themselves "fans" and only post the worst news. I find your posts to be HONEST and I look forward to hearing more. I was attacked because I posted a positive post on Twitter. I'm sure his real fans would love to know hear he's able to occasionally make a safe trip with his family. Seeing Eddie the other day brightened my week. I'm sorry if you thought I was referring to you. This website is my only source of TRUE NEWS. Thank you for updating!

William Perdew

Uncle Leo,
Do you have a Twitter account so that we can receive accurate updates? There are thousands of people on Twitter who would be interested in hearing from you. It might help with the confusion and misinformation that is going on now.
Thank you.


I hope Eddie and his family are staying safe during the pandemic. He is definitely at risk having come out of a major surgery.

Jeffrey Bender

Was just thinking of Eddie today and was wondering how things are going?

What better time to be a movie nerd like myself than during this self-isolation.

Eddie, if you could choose 5 movies to recommend, what would they be?

Take good care,

Jeff Bender

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