He is still doing regular physical therapy, and still needs a cane to walk (only a few steps at a time), but he is making slow and steady progress, and he is back posting on FaceBook - he's maxxed-out on friends (FaceBook limits you to 5,000), but you can still "Follow" him.
Ran into Eddie today and sent him home with some face masks for him and his family. Gotta keep Eddie well!
Posted by: William Perdew | April 16, 2020 at 07:02 PM
Hello Eddie, absolutely love every movie you are in. Anytime I hear you talk I have to laugh! Loved you in Wargames and Polar Express. Loved your 'dummy' in 1941. Hope you live long and prosper. My favorite Beatle is Ringo, favorite movie, HELP!
God Bless and wish you good health always.
William Propsner
Posted by: William Propsner | April 22, 2020 at 07:51 PM
Love you so much, Eddie. I hope you continue to get better. Thinking about you!
Posted by: Fatima E | August 06, 2020 at 11:40 PM
Keeping Eddie in my prayers. I hope he is doing well and that his spirit is strong. Peace to you.
Posted by: David | December 01, 2020 at 11:46 PM